Client Testimonials

Great coaching + hard work = LONG TERM RESULTS

Are you ready to make your biggest health and fitness goals a reality?

Set up a free consultation with Kevin

Are you ready to make your biggest health and fitness goals a reality?

Set up a free consultation with Kevin

"I have gained strength, toning, balance AND I feel so much better in my clothes.  My decision to begin NINJA training was one of the best decisions I have ever made."
- Jane
“I can’t say enough about Kevin and the program that he’s developed.  I’ve lost 15lbs and couldn’t be happier with the results.  NINJA provides a real level of education about the human body, diet, sleep, and other habits that affect your health and fitness… what I’ve learned is something that I think will stay with me for the rest of my life.
— Donn R.
“Working with Kevin has been a huge blessing for me and my health. In 6 months of training with him I have lost 18 pounds, greatly increased my flexibility, and totally changed my diet and lifestyle. Having a solid game plan and being held accountable for my food choices is what has helped me the most. I honestly haven’t felt this good since college. Kevin is the man!”
— Chris C.
“Working with Kevin has helped me tremendously over the past 4 years.  When we first began my right hand Parkinson’s tremor was so bad I could not hold a wine glass or cell phone with it.  The combination of tai chi, boxing, and balance exercises we do have made the tremor all but completely disappear since then.  I have full use of my right hand again and my doctor has reduced my medication for the first time in 10 years.  Kevin has proven to me that anything is possible with the right mindset.”  I highly recommend anyone looking to improve their health and fitness to use his programs."
— Dennis M.
“Kevin's NINJA training system has brought my overall health and fitness to new levels.  In 3 months I have gained several pounds of muscle, increased my speed and agility, and have a stronger core.  He also helped me clean up my diet and taught me the importance of food quality and the short and long term effects of eating crappy processed food.  I feel happier, healthier, more in tune with my body.  I really like how he goes the extra mile to hold me accountable by making me keep a food log, plus the energy he brings to every session.  My advice for anyone on the fence is JUST DO IT - only good things can happen.”
— Chris C.
“Age, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle had combined to have me in the worst shape of my life at 40.  I’d never been athletically competitive but wanted to find out both how much better I could feel and what I could achieve as a middle aged cyclist with a holistic health program. With the help of my training with Kevin I was able to complete my first century cycling race.

Some of the measurable improvements from training with Kevin include losing 31 pounds and 15% body fat, increasing my endurance, and having a better resting heart rate.  More significantly to me though are the difficult to quantify effects of feeling better, having a much better understanding of what I can do to positively impact my health, and developing healthy habits – especially in regard to diet.  

Kevin has been a great asset to me in several ways including consistency, schedule flexibility, exercise form correction, and overall breadth of health and fitness knowledge.  It probably took me about 3 months to recognize any real benefit.  Now I can’t imagine NOT having him show up twice a week at 5:30am!”
— Daniel D.
My last 8 months of NINJA training have had a profound and very positive impact on me.  In fact, I would say that it has been life changing.  The exercise program combined with a healthy and nutritionally sound approach to eating have led me to feeling better than I have in a very long time.  From a physical perspective, I have gained strength, toning, and balance AND I feel so much better in my clothes.  I have learned “how” and “when” to eat certain foods to maximize their nutritional value and about those foods I should avoid.  I do not, however, feel deprived.  Who knew that it was ok to eat “fat”?!  Also, I have learned how, through stretching each day, I can control the neck and lower back pain that I once thought I was just going to have to live with.  

For those struggling with the challenges they are facing in pursuing their own goals, I would advise them to stick with it and not get discouraged. Incremental progress based on good nutrition and exercise provides longer lasting results than fad diets.  My decision to begin NINJA training was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  NINJA is a balanced, comprehensive approach toward looking and feeling better. And, truth be told, with Kevin it’s actually fun! 
— Jane B.
“Kevin has helped me greatly improve my strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility for sports.  He also cleaned up my diet by keeping me accountable for what I eat and taught me some cool sleep and workout recovery techniques.  I have a lot more energy now and feel better than ever.  This is by far the best health and fitness program out there.  Best of all he’s turned me into a ninja!”
— Mitch C.
Kevin, I want to say thank you for the postural correction training program that you set up for me.  I can feel the difference in my posture and it’s wonderful. All of the exercises are a very important part of my workout routine.   I truly appreciate it!
— Don D.
“Oddly enough prior to signing on with Kevin, my doctor had suggested that I look into some kind of program that would hold me accountable for what I was eating and help to give me some kind of organized exercise regimen.  It was as if the stars aligned at the right time and I met Kevin on an airplane when we discussed my health/fitness needs.  

Since I began my NINJA training I have achieved a slow but steady and manageable weight loss, 15 pounds total.  Furthermore, I have done so while getting into better physical shape.  Climbing the stairs at work no longer leaves me out of breath!  As difficult as it felt at times, it was great having Kevin encouraging me through exercise regimens when I was beginning to tire.  He always kept me going and persevering through my own personal exercise "walls".  

My advice to anyone interested to joining this program is if you want someone to keep you on track while getting in shape and losing weight, Kevin is your man.  He will push you to your limits without getting in your face and give you the encouragement to keep going forward.”
— Nannette M.
“My on ice performance has increased greatly thanks to training with Kevin.  He taught me proper exercise technique with everything we did and helped me put on muscle.   My speed, agility and quickness are on a higher level now.  One thing we did besides just exercise was we made a goals card for my future NHL dream.  I feel really confident about reaching my goals now whenever I look at it.   My favorite part of the program was the tennis ball goalie reaction drill on the Bosu ball!”
— Ben K.



Learn the 5 little known secrets to achieving a fit, healthy body at any age!

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Learn the 5 little known secrets to achieving a fit, healthy body at any age!

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Learn practical tips on mastering the 4 Pillars Of Health 
Private Training
Hire Kevin to help you achieve your biggest goals
Hear what others have to say about NINJA training
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Reach out to us anytime with questions or inquiries 
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Phone: (609) 577-1913
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